I Don’t Even Have The Energy To Stand Up

Woodblock print on Stonehenge paper

In this work, I explore the dual themes of artist as archivist and artist as identity explorer. I chose a photo of myself, taken with a self-timer in my bedroom during my senior year of high school. This image captures one of the most challenging periods of my life, making it a perfect reference point for my exploration of memory and personal history creating the idea of the artist as archivist.

Documenting and reflecting on this era is a recurring theme in my art, but I also wanted to delve into the concept of the artist as an explorer of identity. To emphasize this perspective, I layered a quote from the 2006 series Nana over the photograph. This choice reflects my emotional state at that time, while also referencing my tendency to escape into anything that wasn’t reality through the use of a television quote instead of one of my own.

Through this piece, I revisit and reinterpret my identity from that period, aiming to offer a new perspective on how I felt as a human being while transforming those experiences into a new form of artistic expression.


One Year Older (ending 1)


I'm Bored